welcome to the FAMILY
Immanuel Student Ministries
Immanuel Kids
Wednesday Night Gathering

Who we are
The mission of Immanuel Assembly of God is to build the Church. We believe that the call for all followers of Christ is to make disciples. When we make disciples we build the Church. Our mission is all about building the Kingdom of God. Everything we do we want it to be the Kingdom of God in mind
Immanuel Assembly of God exists to awaken, revive, and redeem the city of Cleveland and it’s people. God has called our church for big things. Our heart is to provide a place where people can know God and be used by God.
Empowered Living: We value walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. Apart from His power, we can do nothing.
Belonging: We value creating an atmosphere of heaven where anyone can belong. Jesus makes us family no matter what you look like, what you’ve done, or where you come from.
Lavish Service: We value the compassionate care and selfless service of the House of God and the surrounding communities. Serving provides a way to be used of God in mighty ways.
Multiplication: We value the equipping and sending of the saints for the work of ministry. We are all called to do some kind of ministry, we want to help you grow in that calling.